Alaska Wild Sheep Foundation

15 Africa Dream Hunt Tickets


70 in stock

% Tickets Sold


Tickets in this raffle have been limited to: 1050

Tickets Sold: 241

Tickets Generated by WPRaffle TixGenPlatinum
Number Of Tickets: 15


Africa Dream Hunt II

One Raffle – Three Super Hunts to Choose From!

All Expenses Paid: Namibian Ten Species Plains Game Hunt or Leopard Hunt or Cape Buffalo Hunt

This exceptional trip includes all fees and expenses for one hunter and observer including R/T transportation to Namibia, food, lodging, trophy fees for either a ten species plains game hunt,15 Day leopard hunt, or 10-day hunt for Cape Buffalo in the Caprivi Strip.

Tickets: 1 for $100, 6 for $500 or 15 for $1000    Hunt Value is valued at $52K

Join Nick Nolte Safaris in Namibia for the hunt of a lifetime.  Schedule you hunt for available dates in 2025 or 2026 between February and November.  Enjoy the services of renown hunting consultant, Jack Atcheson Jr, who will advise and assist you in preparing for your dream hunt.

Additional hunters, observers and trophy species can be added as per price list.  Contact Nick Nolte Safaris for details.  For previous African hunters, trophies on this list may be exchanged for other available trophies per current price list.

Drawing will be held on MAY 23 or 72 hours after the last ticket is sold.


Alaska Raffle Permit #111004

© By Alaska Wildlife Sheep Foundation.  All Rights Reserved.